nL - OBJECTS  (Objects in an n-Lateral)

n-Line (n=natural number)
General Information
nL-1   Notes on nL-Objects

Points/Centers in an n-Line
nL-n-P1 nL-Centric Focus
nL-n-P2 nL-Morley's Centroid
nL-n-P3 nL-Morley's Circumcenter / Centric Center
nL-n-P4 nL-Morley's 2nd Orthocenter
nL-n-P5 nL-Morley's 2nd Circle Center
nL-n-P6 nL-Least Squares Distances Point
nL-n-P7 nL-Hervey Point
nL-n-P8 nL-MVP Centroid
nL-n-P9 nL-MVP Circumcenter
nL-n-P10 nL-MVP Orthocenter
nL-n-P11 nL-MVP Nine-point Center
nL-n-P12 nL-QL-P4 Par1/Par2 Homothetic Center
nL-n-P13 nL-QL-P28 Par1/Par2 Homothetic Center
nL-n-P14 nL-QL-P29 Par1/Par2 Homothetic Center
nL-n-pi nL-Morley's intermediate recurs. pi points
nL-n-gi nL-Morley's intermediate recurs. gi points

Lines in an n-Line
nL-n-L1 nL-Morley's Eulerline
nL-n-L2 nL-MVP Eulerline
nL-n-iL1 nL-Morley's Axes

Circles in an n-Line
nL-n-Ci1  nL-Center Circle
 nL-Second Circle

Curves in an n-Line
nL-n-Cv1  nL-Morley's Mono EnnaCardioid
nL-n-iCv1  nL-Morley's Multiple EnnaCardioids
nL-n-Cv2  nL-Morley's Limacon

Transformations in an n-Line
nL-n-Tf1 nL-Orthopole
nL-n-Tf2 nL-Orthopolar
nL-n-Tf3 nL-2nd generation Orthopole
nL-n-Tf4 nL-2nd generation Orthopolar
nL-n-Tf5 nL-Linear Polar

Level-up Constructions in an n-Line
nL-n-Luc-1 Level-up Constructions
nL-n-Luc1 nL-Common Point of Perpendiculars on Omitted line
nL-n-Luc2 nL-Common Point of Perpendicular Bisectors
nL-n-Luc3 nL-Sum of Vectors Point
nL-n-Luc4 nL-Mean Vector Point
nL-n-Luc5 nL-Ref/Par/Per Constructions

n-Line (n=even number)
nL-e-P1 nL-Morley's EnnaDeltoid Center
nL-e-P2 nL-Clifford's Point
nL-e-L1 nL-Morley's Ortho Directrix
nL-e-L2 nL-Morley's Alternate Line of Orthocenters
nL-e-Cv1 nL-Morley's Inscribed EnnaDeltoid

n-Line (n=odd number)
nL-o-P1 nL-Morley's 1st Orthocenter
nL-o-P2 nL-Clifford's Circle Center
nL-o-L1 nL-Line of Inscribed EnnaDeltoid Centers
nL-o-L2 nL-Morley's Line of Orthocenters
nL-o-Ci1 nL-Clifford's Circle
nL-o-2L1 nL-Orthogonal Ortho Axes

Ref-xx References

5-Line (Pentalateral)
General Information
5L-1  Notes on the Pentalateral

Points/Centers in a 5-Line
5L-s-P1 5L-Inscribed Conic Center
5L-s-P2 5L-X(186)-Hofstadter Point
5L-s-P3 5L-X(265)-Hofstadter Point
5L-s-P4 5L-Center of the Anticenter Circle
5L-s-P5 5L-OH- Division Point
5L-s-P6 5L-QL-P3    Par1/Par2 Homothetic Center
5L-s-P7 5L-QL-P20 Par1/Par2 Homothetic Center
5L-s-P8 5L-QL-P27 Ref/Par1/Par2 Homoth. Center
5L-s-P9 5L-QL-P28 Par1/Per2 Homothetic Center
5L-s-P10 5L-QL-P29 Par1/Per2 Homothetic Center
5L-s-P11 5L-Schmidt Point

Lines in a 5-Line
5L-s-L1 5L-Newton Line
5L-s-L2 5L-Isoconjugate Line
5L-s-L3 5L-PAP Miquel Points Line

Conics in a 5-Line
5L-s-Co1 5L-Inscribed Conic

Transformations in a 5-Line
5L-s-Tf1 5L-Schmidt Transformation
5L-s-Tf2 5L-Inscribed Conical Pole
5L-s-Tf3 5L-Inscribed Conical Polar

6-Line (Hexalateral)
Centers in a 6-Line
6L-s-P1 6L-Conical Center
6L-s-P2 6L-Conical Ref/Par2 Homothetic Center
6L-s-P3 6L-Conical Ref/Per2 Homothetic Center
6L-s-P4 6L-Conical Par2/Per2 Homothetic Center

Conics in a 6-Line
6L-s-Co1 6L-Conical Center Conic

Transformations in a 6-Line
6L-s-Tf1 6L-Schmidt Transformation

7-Line (Heptalateral)
Points/Centers in a 7-Line
7L-s-3P1 7L-Conical Triplet Points

Circles in a 7-Line
7L-s-Ci1 7L-Conical Triplet Circle

8-Line (Octalateral)

Points/Centers in an 8-Line
8L-s-P1 8L-Conical Center

Lines in an 8-Line
8L-s-L1 8L-Keizer-Schmidt Line