QL-P10: Orthocenter QL-Diagonal Triangle
1st CT-coordinate:
m n (2 Δ2 (l m + l n - m n) (l m + l n + m n) - a2 l2 (2 m n SA + l n SB + l m SC)
+ l m n (n SA SB + m SA SC) + l2 (n2 SB2 + m2 SC2))
1st DT-coordinate:
1/ Sa
- QL-P10 lies on these lines:
- QL-P10 lies together with QL-P8, QL-P9 and QL-P11 on QL-L7, the QL-Euler Line of the Diagonal Triangle. The ratio of distances between QL-P9, QL-P8, QL-P11, QL-P10 in this order is 2 : 1 : 3.
- QL-P10.QL-P2 // QL-P7.QL-P1.
- QL-P10 is a Railway Watcher (see QL-L-1) of lines QL-L9.QL-P16 and line QL-P1.QL-P11.