QL-12L1: A dozen of Equidistance Lines
There is the general question of constructing a line in a quadrilateral (a system of 4 lines) such that this line is divided by the 4 lines in 3 equal parts.
This problem is dealt with at Ref-14.
Also a simple synthetic solution is given.
Here the 12 algebraically solutions will be given in QL-notation.
Next picture illustrates how these solutions look like in a square-situation.

All dotted lines are Equidistance Lines and are divided by the 4 bounding lines of the square in equal parts.
When choosing random basic lines for the Reference Quadrilateral it looks like this:

We can split up the dozen equidistance lines per Quadrigon of the Quadrilateral.
In each Auadrigon 4 equidistance lines occur where each middle splitted part of the equidistance line is a line segment between 2 opposite lines of the Auadrigon.
In next figure quadrigon L1.L2.L3.L4 is shown with its 4 equidistance lines.
Accordingly each equidistance line can be ascribed to 1 of the 3 component quadrigons:
Quadrigon Quadrigon Quadrigon
L1.L2.L3.L4 L1.L3.L2.L4 L1.L2.L4.L3
Equidistance Line L4132 L3124 L2143
Equidistance Line L2134 L4123 L3142
Equidistance Line L3241 L1342 L1234
Equidistance Line L1243 L2341 L4231
Note 1 :
L4132 indicates the equidistance line intersecting QL-lines in order L4, L1, L3, L2.
Note 2 :
The two middle line numbers per equidistance line in the table are opposite lines in the quadrigons in which they occur.
Coefficients of the 12 lines as well as their 12 Midpoints (see also QL-12P1):
The infinity points of the Equidistance Lines (indicating their direction) are important in this setting and have simple coordinates. These coordinates are actually the building blocks of the Equidistance Line itself and its Midpoint as will be shown in next tables.
Next all mentioned coordinates will be CT-coordinates.
EquiDistance Lines in Quadrigon L1.L2.L3.L4:
L2134 L4132 L1243 L3241
Infinity point EquiDist.Line (x : y : z) (x : y : z) (x : y : z) (x : y : z)
where: where: where: where:
x = 3 m – n x = 3 m – 2 n x = –m – n x = + m –2 n
y = n – 2 l y = 2n – l y = + n + 2 l y = + 2 n + l
z = 2 l – 3m z = l – 3m z = – 2 l + m z = – l – m
EquiDistance Line (–2/x : 1/y : 1/z) (1/x : 1/y : –2/z) (2/x : –3/y : 1/z) (1/x : –3/y : 2/z)
EquiDistance Midpoint (x : 3y : –z) (x : –3y : –z) (x : y/3 : –z) (x : –y/3 : –z)
EquiDistance Lines in Quadrigon L1.L3.L2.L4:
L3124 L4123 L2341 L1342
Infinity point EquiDist.Line (x : y : z) (x : y : z) (x : y : z) (x : y : z)
where: where: where: where:
x = m – 3 n x = 2 m – 3 n x = 2 m – n x = –m – n
y = –3 n +2 l y = 3 n – l y = n + l y = n – 2 l
z = –2 l + m z = l – 2m z = –l – 2 m z = 2 l + m
EquiDistance Line (-2/x : 1/y : 1/z) (1/x : –2/y : 1/z) (1/x : 2/y : –3/z) (2/x : 1/y : –3/z)
EquiDistance Midpoint (x : –y : 3 z) (x : –y : –3 z) (x : –y : –z/3) (x : –y : z/3)
EquiDistance Lines in Quadrigon L1.L2.L4.L3:
L2143 L3142 L1234 L4231
Infinity point EquiDist.Line (x : y : z) (x : y : z) (x : y : z) (x : y : z)
where: where: where: where:
x = 2 m + n x = m + 2 n x = 2 m – n x = –m – 2 n
y = –n – l y = –2 n + l y = n – 3 l y = 2 n – 3 l
z = l – 2 m z = –l – m z = 3 l – 2 m z = 3 l – m
EquiDistance Line (-3/x : 2/y : 1/z) (–3/x : 1/y : 2/z) (1/x : -2/y : 1/z) (1/x : 1/y : –2/z)
EquiDistance Midpoint (x/3 : y : –z) (–x/3 : y : –z) (3 x : y : –z) (–3 x : y : –z)
The center of the Circumscribed Hyperbola through P1, P2, P3, P4 and the Infinity Point of an Equidistance Line is the 2nd intersection point of this Equidistance Line and the Nine-point Conic (QA-Co1) of the Reference Quadrigon.