5L-s-P8 is the Ref/Par1/Par2-Homothetic Center (see nL-n-Luc5a) of QL-P27 wrt the Reference 5-Line.
• 5L-s-P8 lies on these lines:
- 5L-n-P2.5L-n-P8 (Reflection of 5L-n-P2 in 5L-n-P8)
- 5L-n-P4.5L-n-p4 (2 : 3)
- 5L-n-P9.5L-n-g0.5L-n-g1 (midpoint (g0,g1))
- 5L-n-P11.5L-n-g2 (-1 : 4)
• The lengths of the line segments of Ref are 1.5 as long as the corresponding line segments of Par1. Consequently the line segments of Par1 are 1.5 as long as the corresponding line segments of Par2.