nL-n-P9: nL-MVP Circumcenter

nL-n-P9 is the nL-Mean Vector Point (see nL-n-Luc4) of X(3), the Triangle Circumcenter.

nL n P9 MVP Circumcenter 01

Correspondence with ETC/EQF:
In a 3-Line:
3L-n-P8 = 3L-MVP Centroid = X(2)
3L-n-P9 = 3L-MVP Circumcenter = X(3)
3L-n-P10 = 3L-MVP Orthocenter = X(4)
3L-n-P11 = 3L-MVP Nine-point center = X(5)
In a 4-Line we find:
4L-n-P8 = 4L-MVP Centroid = QL-P12 (4L-Centroid)
4L-n-P9 = 4L-MVP Circumcenter = QL-P6 (Dimidium Point)
4L-n-P10 = 4L-MVP Orthocenter = QL-P2 (Morley Point)
4L-n-P11 = 4L-MVP Nine-point center = Midpoint (QL-P2,QL-P6)

nL-n-P8, nL-n-P9, nL-n-P10 and nL-n-P11 are collinear. Their mutual distance ratios correspond with the mutual distance ratios from triangle centers X(2), X(3), X(4) and X(5).